Pre-packaging deals in an instant with automation

Commercial finance is a competitive and continually evolving industry, which is why it’s so important for lenders and brokers to stay ahead of the competition by adopting new technologies. Brokers, in particular, can find themselves easily bogged down when it comes to packaging and qualifying applicants. In order to deliver a highly accurate service, brokers can spend hours on each deal, leaving them little time to focus on scaling their business.


Automation has the potential to dramatically change the way commercial finance brokers approach their deals, reducing the deal packaging process to a matter of minutes.


Pre-packaged deals

In commercial finance, pre-packaging involves preparing all the documentation and financial details lenders need to know before being able to offer a loan. With a pre-packaged loan, the lender has easy access to a complete and professional package making their assessments smoother and faster.

However, pre-packaging commercial loan applications can be very drawn-out and resource-intensive. From initially collecting the necessary data from applicants, to actually preparing the documents and any final quality checks and lender matching the process can take hours per deal. Add to this the potential of many deals falling through at any number of points during the process and pre-packaging becomes an even more arduous task. 

Automation and pre-packaging

Commercial finance automation software can provide brokers with the resources they need to pre-package their deals quickly, efficiently and accurately. Automation software and platforms work in a variety of ways to improve the entire business loan process for lenders and brokers alike, but they often deliver a significant impact on pre-packaging.

Automation simplifies and speeds up the pre-packaging process. When using commercial finance automation software like our own SalesTech, the platform will handle everything from data collection to compliance checks to even matching deals with relevant lenders.

An effective automation system can entirely change the way brokers do business. Even when you’re not at your desk, SalesTech can pre-package deals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even finalising your commercial finance deals while you sleep.

Not only are the deals packaged quickly and with only minor input from the broker, but an automation platform also improves the quality of the packaged deal. With an automated commercial loan process, you can perform quality assurance checks against your pre-defined criteria without the risk of human error. This means that when you match your deals with lenders, you’re guaranteed a highly accurate assessment of the applicant within minutes.

Automating pre-packaging with SalesTech

Our SalesTech software is the perfect tool for commercial finance brokers looking to speed up and increase the accuracy of their pre-packaging and lender matching process. Once set up, you’ll see the results of an automation platform instantly: in no time at all you’ll have more time and resources freed up to focus on growing your business.

To learn how SalesTech can increase the number of applicants your business processes, and streamline your workflow, get in touch with one of our product specialists for a custom automation audit and comprehensive demo.

How to automate business finance

In the competitive world of business finance, staying ahead of the curve is key.

Whether you’re developing a deep understanding of market trends or effectively performing KYC/KYB analysis, those in the B2B finance industry know how important it is to stay one step ahead of the competition. Of course, if you work in business finance, you know that’s easier said than done.

From hours spent analysing business documentation and credit reports as part of your qualification process, to spending hours on the phone trying to match leads with lenders, making the time to scale your business can feel almost impossible.

If that sounds like the kind of problem you’re facing, you’re not alone. But there may be a solution in automation. Business finance automation takes many forms and can help ensure that every part of the financing process is smoother. From the moment a lead approaches you to getting them onboarded and financed, there’s almost certainly an automation to help make the process cheaper and more efficient.


What is business finance?

In short, business finance is the industry that includes various types of funding options provided to businesses to meet their financial needs. Business finance providers can come in the form of either lenders; financial institutions or individuals that provide funds to businesses in the form of repayable loans. Aside from banks, these lenders are generally categorised as either ‘alternative lenders’ or ‘specialised lenders’.

Alternative lenders include peer-to-peer lenders and online lenders. Unlike traditional banks, these alternative lenders provide relatively fast access to funds and may be more flexible in the criteria they use to determine whether or not to offer loans. Meanwhile, specialised lenders focus on specific types of B2B finance such as asset, invoice or trade financing.

Business finance also covers brokers who act as intermediaries between businesses seeking finance and lenders. Rather than determining their own criteria for financing, brokers are more likely to spend their underwriting and qualification time on determining which lenders are most suited to the businesses seeking finance.

Automation and business finance

Automation technology is becoming increasingly common in more and more industries, and business finance is no different.

One of the most common issues that B2B finance professionals face is the amount of time and resources it takes to process their inbound leads. As with any industry that deals with loans, it’s imperative that business finance providers and brokers work only with businesses that can be relied upon to make their repayments in full and on time.

With high-quality bespoke business finance automations, lenders and brokers can make short work of their due diligence and onboarding process: let’s look at how it works.


While often varying dramatically from organisation to organisation, pre-qualification is essential to B2B finance professionals seeking to work with high-quality leads. However, assessing the creditworthiness of a company during pre-qualification can be a very drawn-out process, particularly with no guarantee of a loan being offered or lender matched at this early stage.

Pre-qualification automations seek to eliminate as much time as possible from this process. With a high quality automation tool, everything from the initial submission of information by the lead through to final approval or rejection by the lender can be handled automatically.

Every automation works differently, so it’s important to ensure that the one you choose is suited to your needs. Our SalesTech automation software does this by utilising data provided by applicants, combined with information pulled from both Companies House and Creditsafe to determine a comprehensive overview of any company’s creditworthiness.


Everyone’s loan underwriting process is unique to their business, so it’s important to ensure that the automation software you choose to use is fully customisable.

Once a lead has gone through pre-qualification, the more in-depth underwriting process can begin. Depending on the lender or broker, this can involve numerous steps running from surface level credit analyses to comprehensive risk assessments based on various factors.

Whatever the case, the underwriting process is often one of, if not the most, time and resource-intensive aspects of onboarding a B2B finance lead. Again, automation technology seeks to give business finance professionals the ability to improve this aspect, while also providing a dramatic boost to your accuracy and consistency, while equipping you with advanced data utilisation, allowing you to underwrite leads with more comprehensive information than ever before.

Pre-Packaging & Lender Matching

A lot of business finance brokers have perfected their qualification and due diligence process. However, when it comes to actually packaging up your deals and ensuring they’re matched with the best lender, the whole process can come to a standstill. 

For many B2B finance brokers, packaging and matching leads with each lender’s individual criteria can be the most time-consuming aspect of the whole process. Not only do you have to guarantee the highest degree of accuracy possible when assessing your leads, but you also have to ensure that you fully understand the criteria of the different lenders you work with.

With an effective automation system, you can even simplify the most strenuous aspects of brokering business finance deals.

Utilising data-driven scoring systems that match lead data provided by the potential recipient of the loan, company credit databases and third-party sources like Companies House, a high-quality business finance automation system can constantly match lead data with lender criteria. Plus, by utilising custom forms to acquire data from leads, you’ll have everything you need to package a deal without lifting a finger.

The leads themselves can then be automatically matched to the specific criteria of each lender you work with. This allows you to simply broker the final step, in full knowledge that the suggested lender is the best match for the customer. 

Automating your business finance process with SalesTech

Business finance automation can be a game changer for B2B lenders and brokers. Once set up, you’ll see the results of an automation platform instantly: in no time at all you’ll have more time and resources freed up to focus on growing your business.

SalesTech is our business finance automation software that we built to help B2B finance professionals do exactly that.

With SalesTech, you can automate the entire onboarding process, from initial pre-qualification to actually packaging up deals for lenders or onboarding them into your own lending service. 

For more information and a demo of how SalesTech works and what it can do for your business, get in touch with one of our helpful product specialists today.


Essential B2B credit solutions your business should be using

Essential B2B credit solutions your business should be using

Worldwide, the B2B payments market is approximately worth a colossal £191 trillion and is only set to grow. With digital payments comprising the vast majority of B2B transactions – a number that is continually increasing with at least 80% of businesses focusing on digitising their systems – the competition for lenders, brokers and other B2B finance professionals is stronger than ever.

To stay ahead of the curve and ensure you’re set for the ever-evolving digital future of business, it’s important to be aware of the array of technology available to B2B businesses today. In this article, we’ll examine some of the most powerful B2B credit solutions, software and tools available to businesses today.

From automating your credit checks and onboarding, to examining credit scoring solutions that integrate with your existing CRM, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the technological curve in no time. 

Automated credit scoring

With so many B2B finance businesses operating in a primarily online environment, you’re likely to be dealing with more inbound leads than ever. If your business relies on customers having a good business credit score to have access to your products and services; such as brokerage or lending, being able to handle large volumes of credit checks is essential.

Credit scoring is an essential part of the onboarding process for many businesses, but when performed manually, it can take far more time and resources than necessary. This is especially the case if you only have a small team and are trying to build your business elsewhere. In a worst-case scenario, you may find your business stagnating as you flounder trying to juggle inbound credit checks just to keep your business afloat.

Automated B2B credit scoring software may be the answer to your business’ prayers. An automated business credit scoring system allows you to process any inbound or outbound credit checks automatically within seconds. The software will scan the potential customers credit documentation, analysing and assessing different data points such as payment history, past bankruptcies or outstanding debts to provide you with a quality score based on your requirements. 

This data is accessed through APIs from major credit checking companies. For instance, our business credit checking software uses data from CreditSafe, one of the world’s leading business credit agencies to ensure that any data used is highly accurate and up to date.

The score you will be provided with is usually generated in a matter of seconds. This means you’ll be able to process a huge number of business credit checks when compared to your output with manual processing. Plus, due to the way modern automation software works, you’ll eliminate the possibility of human error in the scoring process. Overall, you’ll be able to more accurately process and score the creditworthiness of potential customers at a far faster rate than you would be able to without a B2B credit automation system in place.

Companies House automation

Along with business credit scoring, assessing Companies House data can also prove invaluable to the customer onboarding process for business operating in the B2B finance space. Companies House is a UK government body that holds detailed information about every limited company in the country, including data on a company’s incorporation date, key figures and any past CCJs or other legal injunctions.

With the information held by Companies House, you’ll be able to bolster your ability to effectively and accurately score a company’s creditworthiness. This allows you to further enhance your B2B credit assessments and work with even better customers. However, assessing Companies House data can be extremely time and resource intensive when performed manually, leading to you sifting through reams of Companies House information in order to make accurate assessments of your inbound leads.

As with automated B2B credit scoring software, businesses now also have access to Companies House automations. If you work with UK-based companies, integrating a Companies House automation application into your pre-qualification and lead scoring systems can be extremely beneficial, allowing you to equip your overall scoring process with a raft of extremely valuable data without having to lift a finger. For many businesses today, Companies House automation is an essential B2B credit solution, enhancing reports with far more accurate data that goes more in-depth into a company’s structure and legal history than credit reports alone are able to.

Automated onboarding

Both credit scoring and Companies House automations are incredibly valuable tools to incorporate into your B2B customer scoring process. Not only will they enhance your data with accurate and valuable information, but they can also automate the process of actually bringing potential customers onboard. Due to the high accuracy of these automation systems, once you set the criteria you require customers to meet, these kinds of systems can fully automate the entire onboarding process.

Automated onboarding is an incredibly powerful solution for B2B finance businesses. Whether you are a lender, broker or another financial institution working with other businesses, when you utilise high quality, highly accurate automation software, you can be confident that any of the rules-based decisions made by your automations are accurate.

Every business’ needs are unique, so being able to fully customise your automations is essential. For our SalesTech software, we ensure this customisation through an easy-to-use dashboard that allows you to create bespoke criteria for your business. Other applications may require you to talk with the provider directly to set up this custom criteria, or you may need to build the solution around a pre-set bank of questions. 

Whatever you choose, once your automations are set up and running to your specifications, you can make them as autonomous as you desire. This may involve full automation of the pre-qualification, scoring and onboarding process, utilising all of the above data to ensure your customers fit perfectly into your business model.

CRM Integration

For businesses wanting to fully embrace automation for their B2B finance systems, some softwares will link directly into any existing CRM systems you use. When you use a credit automation solution that integrates with your CRM, the entire onboarding process can be automated from beginning to end without you having to lift a finger.

Once the automated credit scoring systems have done their work and an applicant’s data has met or exceeded your requirements, they can be automatically loaded into your CRM. You’ll then have access to all of the information required for you to take the next steps in turning the lead into a customer. With the ability to automate the entire process and automatically add customer data into your existing CRM, you’ll have freed up the time and resources necessary to focus on growing your business.

SalesTech: The all-in-one B2B automation software

Have you started your automation journey yet?

Our SalesTech automation and decision engine is built with B2B lenders, brokers and other finance professionals in mind. We utilise all of the automation tools covered in this article to enhance the onboarding process for businesses across the UK.

Our fully customisable automation and decisioning software integrates into your existing processes to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your onboarding process, ensuring you only work with the customers suited to you. With SalesTech you have the time and peace of mind to work comfortably with your customers and more time to spend scaling your business.

To find out more about how SalesTech can benefit your business, get in touch with us today and our product specialists will be happy to give you a walkthrough.

The benefits of risk-based decision making

The benefits of risk-based decision making

Risk. It’s an inescapable factor that must be considered when you operate in the B2B lending, brokerage and wider finance spheres. When it comes to onboarding your customers, being aware of the risks posed by the potential customer from a credit, operational or legal perspective is even more important.

Whenever you make a decision in your business, assessing risk is important, but making risk-based decisions accurately, efficiently and economically can be difficult without the right tools. In this article we’ll look into why risk-based decisioning is so important and the tools available to help you perform it to the highest possible standard.

What is risk-based decision making?

For the B2B lending, brokerage and finance market, risk-based decision making simply refers to the process of assessing and evaluating the risks associated with providing financial services and using this information to make informed decisions.

In practice, risk-based decisioning can take many forms.

Depending on the industry a business operates in, different aspects of a potential client’s financial status will be more important. Overall, however, we can narrow down the risks faced by those operating in the financial services industry as:


Credit risk

For a business offering credit or loans to other businesses, the biggest risk is the prospect of non-payment or default. Therefore, assessing the creditworthiness of a potential borrower is a crucial aspect of risk mitigation.

Market risk

B2B brokerage and lending are often somewhat beholden to, or at least influenced by, market conditions and broader economic factors. From changes in interest rates and currency exchanges to simple market fluctuations, understanding the market and making informed decisions is essential to operating successfully.

Legal risk

The finance space is riddled with legal and regulatory bodies and restrictions, so it’s incredibly important for any lender, broker, or other B2B finance entity to understand and follow all laws and regulations. Being aware of the risk involved if these rules and regulations are not adhered to is essential to business success.


When making decisions based on the above risk assessments, your business is far more likely to reap the benefits that performing well in the B2B finance space can offer. 

However, despite the importance of risk-based decision making in B2B finance, it can be an incredibly time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Assessing every potential risk for every potential client by scanning through bank statements, credit histories and Companies House data can take hours of your time and actually prevent your business from growing.

Fortunately, thanks to recent developments in the automation industry, the technology available to allow businesses to automate their risk-based decisioning is better than ever.

Risk-based decision engines

Risk-based decision engine software may be the answer for companies who struggle to accurately and efficiently assess the potential risks posed by incoming leads during their onboarding process. 

A decision engine allows users to input all of the necessary client information into a digital application that can then automate all or part of the decision making process. Depending on the specific criteria unique to each business, this could involve prioritising credit risks, market risks, legal risks or another type of risk. Whatever the case, bespoke decisioning software is fully adaptable and allows businesses to make immediate, accurate risk-based decisions in seconds.

So, what are the benefits of automated risk-based decisioning? 

The benefits of automated risk-based decision making

While the benefits of using decision engines are incredibly wide-ranging and will be unique to every business, they can often be summed up into two primary spheres: efficiency and accuracy.

From an efficiency standpoint, automating your risk-based decision making ensures that your business can evaluate and onboard more customers than ever before. Depending on the level of autonomy you wish to give to the decision engine, you can automate over 90% of the onboarding process through risk-based decisioning. Everything from document submission and analysis to unique question-based assessment forms can be filled in, assessed and approved or denied by an automated decision engine. Many decision engines, including our own SalesTech engine, are totally bespoke, allowing them to instantly score inbound leads against any specific criteria almost instantly.

In regards to accuracy, automating your risk-based decision making process removes any possibility of human error. Once your decision engine is set up and running to your specifications, the automation technology ensures any assessments – whether that be of credit data, financial history, company structure, or anything else – are as accurate as possible.

With such a high degree of both efficiency and accuracy, one of the primary benefits of utilising a risk-based decision engine is that you can actually spend time where it matters most. Rather than wasting hours assessing potential risks yourself, you can instead focus on making face-to-face connections with potential customers or growing your business, at no major increase in cost or headcount.

Risk-based decision automation with SalesTech

Have you started your automation journey yet?

If risk assessment is essential to your onboarding process and you haven’t tried automation technology yet, there’s no better time than right now.

Our SalesTech automation and decision engine is built with B2B lenders, brokers and other finance professionals in mind. With a fully customisable decision engine at your disposal, SalesTech is integrated into all of your existing processes to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your lead scoring, due diligence, and onboarding process to ensure you work with only the best leads.

To find out more about how SalesTech can benefit your business, get in touch with us today and our product specialists will be happy to give you a walkthrough.


Automating B2B due diligence

Automating B2B due diligence

Due diligence is an essential part of the onboarding process for any B2B organisation. When large sums of money are involved – as is the case for those operating in B2B finance, brokerage, lending, and other financial services – the importance of due diligence is only enhanced.

But, as anyone working within these sectors knows, due diligence can be time and resource-intensive. Ensuring you accurately assess all potential risks and outcomes can require hours or days. For those making regular deals, excessive manpower is also a hurdle that needs to be overcome. 

Overusing time and manpower is a major issue faced by those operating in the B2B space. While you may be able to regularly make deals and bring clients in, having a lacklustre due diligence process will leave you unable to focus on growing your business and boosting your profits.

In this article, we’ll be covering the value that automated due diligence can bring to businesses, as well as how you can get started with it today.

What is due diligence automation?

Lead scoring is a method used to evaluate and rank potential prospects based on their likelihood of becoming high-quality customers. Utilising a range of criteria, lead scoring can help you identify the high-value leads that you can turn into valued customers, clients or partners.

In B2B sectors such as brokerage, lending and more general finance, the criteria used to score your leads could cover a number of different areas such as a company’s creditworthiness, their financial stability, how many years they’ve been in business or even the company shareholders.

In many respects, lead scoring should be a fundamental preliminary step in your due diligence activities. While due diligence tends to involve more in-depth investigations into clients and customers, performing accurate, high-quality lead scoring can make the subsequent due diligence process far quicker and easier.

Why lead scoring is important

Due diligence automation is the process by which aspects of your B2B due diligence processes, such as credit checks, financial stability assessments, bankruptcy and CCJ checks and more, are processed either in part or fully, by automated systems.

As discussed, due diligence can be very time-consuming and resource-intensive, so being able to automate the process allows you to reap huge benefits when it comes to actually spending time on growing your business.

Due diligence automation can take many forms, and when you utilise high-quality automation systems, platforms or decision engines, you are also able to customise the automation process to ensure your needs are met. Some examples of what due diligence automations can include are:


– Document analysis

– Risk assessments

– Data management

– Compliance checks

– Report generation

– Workflow optimisation

– Logic-based decisioning


Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and, depending on your own needs, custom due diligence automations may be a better option than an off-the-shelf solution.

The benefits of automating your due diligence process

The benefits of introducing automation technology into your due diligence process can be most succinctly summarised into three categories: Increased efficiency, increased accuracy and increased scalability.


Automations will streamline your due diligence process, reducing the time and resources required to assess future leads, clients, borrowers and partners. With an automation system in place, you’ll be able to handle a larger volume of transactions without compromising on quality or increasing headcount.


Automated due diligence processes can analyse a broad number of datasets and documents with greater accuracy than a manual assessment could. Once set up correctly and to your specified criteria, an automation system eliminates the possibility of human error ensuring that the information on which you base your decision-making is more reliable.


In increasing both the efficiency and accuracy of your due diligence process through automations, scalability is the natural next step. With the ability to handle larger volumes of data, onboarding new customers at a faster rate with fewer risks, you’ll be able to meet the demands necessary when entering larger markets. You’ll also have more time available to focus on the human connection necessary to broker bigger and more profitable deals.

Due diligence automation with SalesTech

Is it time you automated your due diligence process?

If you haven’t already moved into automation and decision solutions, there’s no better time to do so. The availability of automation systems is only increasing, and without adapting to modern solutions, you could easily find yourself outpaced. 

Our SalesTech automation and decision engine is built with B2B lenders, brokers and other finance professionals in mind. With a fully customisable decision engine at your disposal, SalesTech is integrated into all of your existing processes to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your lead scoring, due diligence, and onboarding process to ensure you work with only the best leads.

To find out more about how SalesTech can benefit your business, get in touch with us today and our product specialists will be happy to give you a walkthrough.

What is lead scoring and how can you do it efficiently?

What is lead scoring and how can you do it efficiently?

When working in the B2B space, assessing the quality of potential prospects is essential. This is especially important for lenders, brokers, finance companies,  sales and marketing companies and anyone else operating in industries where the quality of the clients you work with has a direct impact on your bottom line.

Knowing how to score your leads effectively can give you the confidence necessary to comfortably onboard business clients and build your business. So what is lead scoring? Why is it important? And how can advances in automation technology and AI revamp your existing processes?

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is a method used to evaluate and rank potential prospects based on their likelihood of becoming high-quality customers. Utilising a range of criteria, lead scoring can help you identify the high-value leads that you can turn into valued customers, clients or partners.

In B2B sectors such as brokerage, lending and more general finance, the criteria used to score your leads could cover a number of different areas such as a company’s creditworthiness, their financial stability, how many years they’ve been in business or even the company shareholders.

In many respects, lead scoring should be a fundamental preliminary step in your due diligence activities. While due diligence tends to involve more in-depth investigations into clients and customers, performing accurate, high-quality lead scoring can make the subsequent due diligence process far quicker and easier.

Why lead scoring is important

As mentioned above, lead scoring can be an incredibly beneficial aspect of the client onboarding process. It allows you to understand who your leads are and whether they’ll be a good fit for your business as a long-term customer. When you perform high-quality lead scoring, the entire due diligence process is improved and you’ll have a far more accurate assessment of who your prospective clients are.

Lead scoring is important as it gives you the power to focus on growing your business while working with only the most suitable customers. You can efficiently remove any unsuitable prospects before beginning the more in-depth due diligence process; saving you time and money.

Is lead scoring the same as lead qualification?

Lead scoring and lead qualification are often conflated, but they are not quite the same thing, rather lead scoring is one of the most commonly used techniques in lead qualification. Whereas lead scoring involves assigning a score to leads based on their ability to match certain criteria, lead qualification is the overarching process by which you can filter out leads.

In short, by employing high-quality lead scoring, you will enhance your overall lead qualification process.

Automating lead scoring

Lead scoring is an invaluable tool for businesses as part of their qualification and due diligence processes, but assigning values and criteria to each prospect that comes through is often incredibly time-consuming and resource-intensive. 

Our SalesTech engine eliminates this aspect of lead scoring through an automated lead scoring process.

We built SalesTech for businesses to dramatically improve their lead scoring process. With our decisioning engine, we automatically score inbound leads in seconds against criteria set by you. Utilising company data from Companies House and credit information from Creditsafe, we can assess potential leads on everything from their credit history and financial stability to any history of CCJs, insolvency or bankruptcy.

When you use SalesTech, we cut down your lead scoring time to seconds, freeing up the time and resources for you to focus on scaling your business.

For more information about our SalesTech platform, get in touch with our team today.

A step-by-step guide to checking the creditworthiness of a company

A step-by-step guide to checking the creditworthiness of a company

Creditworthiness is key when it comes to offering financial services to businesses. From determining a business’ level of financial stability and ability to repay loans, to understanding how they operate, assessing creditworthiness is a core aspect of due diligence before taking on a business client.

What is company creditworthiness?

Company creditworthiness refers to an assessment of a company’s ability to meet its financial obligations, particularly its ability to repay loans, fulfil contractual agreements, and manage its financial commitments responsibly. Creditworthiness is a measure of the company’s financial stability, reliability, and overall credit risk.

There’s a lot riding on creditworthiness, so knowing how to check the creditworthiness of a company is essential. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to determining company creditworthiness to ensure you make the right choice when onboarding your next business customer.

A step-by-step guide to determining the creditworthiness of a company

1. Gather Basic Information

The first step in assessing the creditworthiness of a company is to ensure that you have the very basic information about them available to you. Though very simple, the essential details of the business are essential to assessing creditworthiness. This includes: the registered name, physical address and legal structure (e.g. whether they are a limited company, an LLP, etc.)

This basic information can help you determine the legitimacy of the business and is a key aspect to complete before proceeding.

2. Assess Financial Health With Companies House Data

Once you have the basic information on the business whose creditworthiness you are checking, the next step is to use the data held by Companies House to accelerate the process. 

Companies House data will allow you to see director information, if there are any unpaid debts or CCJs against the company, whether the company is in administration and more general filing histories and financial statements that you can analyse later.

Some of the information available through Companies House can show you very serious red flags when it comes to creditworthiness assessments. CCJs in particular can indicate that the business has had serious financial issues and a history of non-compliance.

3. Run A Business Credit Check

Once the company has passed your Companies House checks, it’s time to run a business credit check on them. While Companies House offers a range of very beneficial public information, by running a business credit check against a company, your creditworthiness assessment will be even more accurate.

A business credit check from a trusted provider like Creditsafe is invaluable when assessing creditworthiness. A business credit check will give you even deeper insight into the financial stability of a business, showcasing a company’s in-depth credit history, as well as providing you with a credit score similar to that of a personal credit report.

Many credit report providers will also offer you a suggested credit limit for your business clients. This enhances your creditworthiness assessment even more, and ensures that you are undertaking more advanced due diligence.

4. Analyse Financial Statements

Once you have successfully run a credit check on a business, you can comfortably analyse their financial statements. With a business’ balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements you’ll have much deeper insight into their financial health.

Take financial ratios, liquidity and profitability into account and you should find it relatively straightforward to understand how the company manages debt. From there, you’ll be much closer to accurately determining their creditworthiness.

5. Verify Trade References

With all the information so far, you should have a solid grasp on the creditworthiness of the company you are assessing.

However, another very useful avenue to pursue as part of the process is verifying trader references. Contact the business’ suppliers and trade partners to request references regarding their own experiences with the company being assessed to accurately verify their experiences.

Verifying a business’ legitimacy and creditworthiness independently through people who have worked with the business gives you very reliable and accurate information into how reliable the company really is.

A faster way to check creditworthiness

Creditworthiness is an important step in the onboarding process, but it can be time consuming and resource intensive. When both speed and accuracy are key, having an advanced automated business intelligence platform on your side can be a lifesaver, which is why we build SalesTech.

With SalesTech, you’ll have full access to all of the data available from Companies House and the ability to credit check businesses, all in the same place. Based on your custom criteria, our platform will automatically create reports, enriching your data and ensuring you spend your time and resources only where they are most important. SalesTech can even automatically approve or decline applicants for your services based on creditworthiness parameters that you define.

For more information about our SalesTech platform, get in touch with our team today.

Effectively carrying out due diligence on a company with Companies House data

Effectively carrying out due diligence on a company with Companies House data

Conducting effective due diligence on a business is essential to company’s operating in a range of sectors. Whether involved in accounting, business lending and brokerage, property, insurance or any of the other myriad industries where accurate due diligence is of the utmost importance, you’ll know how difficult it can be to do effectively and with a high degree of accuracy.

Many businesses will already utilise Companies House as a part of their due diligence process, but often without using the most efficient methods. Manual Companies House lookups take time and resources away from areas that could be spent building your own business, while also not making full use of the data available. Considering the data on offer from Companies House is valued at over £3 billion, if you’re not making the most of it, one of your competitors will be, and you could find yourself left behind.

So how can you carry out due diligence on a company by efficiently making use of data from Companies House?

How do you check the legitimacy of a business?

With Companies House data, you can look up the information necessary to determine whether or not the company you’re dealing with is who they say they are, a critical aspect of the due diligence process. With Companies House data, you’ll be able to ensure the business in question is registered, the date of incorporation, address and director details. All of this is an essential aspect of due diligence.

Once you’re confident that you’re dealing with a company that actually exists and that you’re talking to the right people, you can delve further into the data to enhance the legitimacy of the business.

By accessing the data highlighting the company’s annual financial statements and shareholder details, you can also understand the legitimacy and financial stability of the company at a more granular level. Shareholder information is an excellent way to build on your understanding of a company’s ownership and funding structure, while the financial statements will provide insight into the general financial health of the business.

How do you check if a company has a CCJ?

County court judgements (CCJs) can have significant implications for your due diligence process. A CCJ is a court order issued against businesses that have failed to repay a debt and, therefore, is a red flag for any business operating in the financial space. 

Knowing a company has a CCJ can highlight creditworthiness issues, indicate potential problems with supply chains and even suggest a history of legal non-compliance. For many businesses, working with organisations who have a CCJ could be very risky, and may be entirely out of the question. As such, it is incredibly important to know whether or not a company has any CCJs as part of the due diligence process.

Once again, Companies House data can be your key to understanding whether or not a company holds any county court judgements. With access to a company’s filing history and financial statements through Companies House, you’ll have a much deeper understanding of a company’s financial history, any outstanding debts they may hold and if a CCJ has ever been levied against them.

Combining Companies House data with a business credit report is an even more effective way to accurately judge a company’s financial status.

How do you check if a company is in administration?

Knowing whether a company is in administration is critical to the due diligence process, suggesting the potential business client is experiencing a period of severe financial distress. While administrators will seek to avoid liquidation, if a company is in administration, the level of financial instability is likely to be a major red flag during your due diligence process.

As with CCJs, Companies House keeps records on whether a company is in administration as part of their filing history. Companies House’s data will show the administration documents; including a notice of appointment of an administration and a statement of affairs, that will indicate whether the company is in administration. Of course, simply being in administration may not be reason enough not to work with a business, so it’s important to set criteria that is important to you and cross-reference the company’s status against other financial data before making major decisions. 

How to use Companies House for due diligence

When it comes to performing due diligence on a business client, Companies House is an incredibly valuable tool. The information on offer through their database is second to none, and when used efficiently, can be a huge time and resource saver for your own organisation. That’s why we utilise this incredibly powerful tool as part of our SalesTech business intelligence platform.

With SalesTech, you’ll have full access to all of the data available with the Companies House API to enhance your due diligence process. Based on your custom criteria, our platform will automatically create reports, enriching your data and ensuring you spend your time and resources only where they are most important.

For more information on how to enrich your due diligence process with our business intelligence platform, get in touch with our team today. 

How to perform a credit analysis of a company

How to perform a credit analysis of a company

Analysing the credit of a company is essential to anyone planning on making a financial decision about a business. By acquiring a company credit report, analysing the data, and implementing your findings into the processes of your business, you’ll be able to effectively judge the financial stability and creditworthiness of prospective clients, customers and investment opportunities.

Knowing how to accurately and efficiently analyse the credit of a company, however, isn’t always obvious.

Company credit reports

Similarly to a personal credit report, the business credit reports provided by the likes of Creditsafe will highlight factors to help you assess the creditworthiness of a business. This can include the age of the company’s credit history, any recent credit enquiries, incorporation dates, the company’s SIC code and more.

While all of this information can be very useful, being able to understand what a business credit score is telling you and put that analysis into practice is where the true value lies.

How to analyse the credit of a company

At the core, credit analysis is the process undertaken by lenders and other organisations to understand the creditworthiness of a potential borrower, client, customer or partner. With a company credit report, you’ll have a wide range of information that can be beneficial to helping you understand the creditworthiness of a business.

Of course, no two businesses are alike, so it’s important to be able to fully understand each prospective business that you’ll work with by utilising information from a wide range of data points.

Beyond a simple assessment of a credit report, your analysis may also incorporate data from Companies House to determine whether the business you’re analysing has any CCJs or has filed for bankruptcy in the past. For many lenders and brokers, this information is as essential as understanding the credit history of a business.

Collating, analysing and implementing this company data into your underwriting or pre-qualification is essential, but can be complex and time consuming. As every business is different, doing a detailed credit analysis of a company can be a daunting task and take up a lot of time and effort from your team.

A better way to do company credit analysis

To combat the time and effort required by lenders, brokers, investors and other financial institutions looking to perform company credit analysis, we built our SalesTech platform. SalesTech is a business intelligence platform with a built in decision engine that collates relevant business data from business credit reference agencies and Companies House to provide a highly accurate, real-time analysis of any business you are considering working with.

Based on the criteria most important to your business, SalesTech pulls together a detailed analysis from multiple sources data points. This information is then fed into a powerful decision engine driven by AI technology that immediately scores potential businesses against your own specific requirements. In no time at all, you’ll have fully analysed the company credit of potential partners or clients and will be able to make decisions in no time at all.

For more information on how SalesTech can work for your business, get in touch with our team today.

How to check business credit references

How to check business credit references

Gross lending for UK businesses is projected to reach almost £500 billion in the 2023 financial year. With so much capital at stake, it’s incredibly important for business lenders, brokers and others in the business finance landscape to have access to up-to-date and accurate information on the financial history of their business clients.

At Venture Motion, we deliver game-changing solutions to allow our customers to check business credit references and automate their KYC and KYB process. 

Do businesses have credit scores?

Credit forms the backbone of the business economy, allowing individuals and businesses to borrow money and access services on the proviso that they will pay it back at a later date. Simply put, credit scores are used to assess whether a business or individual has the capability to pay back the loan they have taken out. 

Much like individuals, businesses have credit scores used by banks, lenders, brokers and investors to make lending decisions. The creditworthiness of  businesses is an essential part of the underwriting and pre-approval processes, so having access to, and understanding, business credit scores is incredibly important to anyone in the business lending industry.

What is contained in a business credit score?

Much like a personal credit score, a business credit score is determined by a number of factors. Unlike most personal credit scores that range from 0 to 999, the majority of business credit scores – including the score provided by our partners at Creditsafe – range from 0 to 100. As with a personal score, the higher the number the more stable, secure and, ultimately, creditworthy the business is.

The most basic features of a company credit score include the age of the credit history, the number of recent credit enquiries made by the company and the company’s payment history. These are the same factors that your personal score is likely made up of, but when it comes to business credit, there’s a lot of other factors you need to consider. It’s these additional factors that make reading and understanding business credit references so important for business finance professionals.

When you check a business’ credit report, you’ll not only be aware of the company’s financial health, but also information about the business such as the business’ name, incorporation date, trading address, SIC code and more.

The credit references you can check through business credit agencies also help you make the fundamental decisions around company credit limits. With the credit reports from Creditsafe, in particular, you will be provided with a recommended credit limit to act as a rough guideline on the maximum contract capacity on a single contract over a 12-month period. You might refer to this as trade credit, and with it you can give your customers the power to purchase goods and services without them having to apply for a traditional loan.

Checking business credit references

Accessing business credit references is of the utmost importance to anyone operating in the business finance space. From lenders to brokers to investors and beyond, business credit scores are an essential part of the qualification and underwriting process.

However, with the importance of business credit checks many of the organisations we work with find themselves spending far too much time on the credit checking aspect of their approval process. That’s where our SalesTech platform comes in. 

We have developed a platform that automates the entire company credit checking process, streamlining applications and cutting down the approval time to seconds. When linked in with our unique AI-driven Decision Engine technology, our platform will import, read, score and qualify Creditsafe business credit reports based on a set of criteria that you determine. 

If you need help checking business credit references and enhancing your qualification and underwriting processes, book a call with our team today.