What is open banking and is it safe?

Open banking can be a hugely beneficial addition to the arsenal of just about any lending business. Here at Venture Motion, open banking acts as one of the core apps in our LendTech automation platform, so we thought it would be wise to answer some frequently asked questions around open banking.

We’ll be looking at what open banking is, how safe the technology is and how open banking APIs work. Open banking is an incredibly useful aspect of financial technology that many businesses could benefit from, here’s all you need to know.

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What is open banking?

The most straightforward definition of open banking is that it is a process whereby banks and other financial institutions open up customer data to be shared with third-parties. However, it’s a lot safer than it sounds, and there’s a lot more to it than that.

Within the lending industry, open banking technology gives lenders the ability to view the bank statements of applicants and customers in real time with the use of an API that connects lenders to banks. In doing this, open bankings gives lenders a lightning-fast, exceedingly secure method of retrieving customer banking data.

The real goal of incorporating open banking into your business should be to assist with creating a more efficient workflow. With open banking, you open up your services to seriously impressive automation, eliminating the stress of manual tasks, freeing up your team’s time and saving you money.

Is open banking safe?

Yes, open banking is safe, for both businesses and customers, even if the idea of opening up customer data to third parties can sound a little scary for potential customers. Fortunately, customers and applicants have nothing to worry about.

The only data you can access through open banking as a business is the data necessary for the service that the customer has registered for. For instance, you may only need to see outgoings from a current account, or the amount of credit card debt a customer has incurred, with open banking, that’s the only data you have access to. Plus, with GDPR, customer data is better protected than ever before. 

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How does an open banking API work?

Now you know what open banking is, and that it’s perfectly safe to offer to your customers, we’ll look into how exactly the technology works. There’s many ways to use an open banking API, but we think they work fantastically in the lending sector.

When tied into a decision engine – such as our LendTech platform – an open banking API can scan customer bank statements in real time. The open banking platform then feeds the information into the decision engine where it is matched against parameters set by the owner of the engine to determine whether or not a loan should be offered.

In the above scenario, open banking would be a driving force in the automation of the entire lending and underwriting process, which is great news for anyone in the industry. When utilised effectively, open banking APIs can bring huge gains to businesses, speeding up processes and allowing teams to focus on essential manual tasks.

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Getting started with an open banking platform

Open banking is a revolutionary technology that is making waves across the finance industry. With automations becoming more and more common, it’s important to stay ahead of the competition, and working an open banking platform into your business is one way to do just that. But how do you use open banking for your business?

Here at Venture Motion, we strive to make access to automations in the lending industry accessible to anyone. We built our LendTech platform with you in mind, and getting started is as simple as filling in the form below to start building your solution. You’ll have access to open banking, custom form builders, Companies House checks and more, with automated loan approvals just around the corner.

Start Building Your Solution

What is a decision engine and how can one boost your business?

What is a decision engine and how can one boost your business?

Decision engines can truly revolutionise the way that businesses operate. Whatever the sector a business is operating in, if decisions need to be made; having an automated platform to make those decisions will always bring value.

But what exactly is a decision engine and how do they work? As a relatively new addition to the digital arsenal, it’s really important to understand what decision engines are and how they can benefit you and your business before committing yourself to using one. 


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What is a decision engine?

A decision engine is a fully customisable rules-driven automation system that executes automated decisions based on criteria set by the owner. In layman’s terms, you can use a decision engine to make business decisions instantly, without lifting a finger.

Decision engines can be particularly useful for businesses operating in industries that have to deal with lots of application approvals and denials. The likes of recruitment, insurance, lending industries and many more can all seriously benefit from the use of a decision-making engine.
Automated decision engines work by taking data clusters from applications and matching them against rules set by the administrator of the engine. These rules could include almost anything, from the years an individual has worked within an industry to the turnover generated by an organisation. 
If the applicant’s credentials and responses fail to meet the minimum criteria set by the owner of the decision engine, they can be automatically denied. On the other hand, if they meet the minimum criteria set for the engine to trigger an approval, it’ll do that instead. All of this occurs within seconds, with the decision engine making real-time decisions almost instantaneously. 

For more information on how decision engines work, you can read our in-depth guide to how our own decision engine works.

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How credit decision engines boost your performance

The main appeal of working a decision engine into your existing systems is the incredible performance boost that automation consistently brings. Nowhere is this more apparent than within the lending sector, with credit decision engines consistently boosting the performance of businesses by automating existing lending qualifications and workflows.

Our decision engine platform integrates with business credit data sources in real time to make custom logic-based decisions automatically. This gives businesses the power to close deals faster and scale their organisation without having to increase their headcount or ongoing costs.

Credit decision engines interlink with credit databases such as Creditsafe to provide access to incredibly valuable data. With access to business credit references, the decision engine can accurately assess the financial health and stability of a business, guaranteeing that any necessary criteria is being met. 

From entry-level credit decision engine software to a fully customisable, purpose-built decision engine platform, your credit-focused business will always benefit from even minor automations. However, it’s only with the truly bespoke and specialised platforms that your business can gain the most benefit.

A fully customisable decision engine platform gives businesses full control and freedom over the parameters used to approve or deny applicants for their services, all through the power of automation. Most lending businesses, in particular, can have quite complex criteria as part of the credit decisioning process. As such, ensuring you’re using the right lending decision engine is essential if you want to elevate your business with automations. This brings us to SalesTech, our own custom-built decision engine platform.


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SalesTech: The Venture Motion Decision Engine

We understand the importance of a high degree of customisability when it comes to building loan decisioning automations. Every company is different, with entirely different services and entirely different criteria needed for applicants to be eligible for those services.
Our fully customisable credit decision engine, SalesTech, allows almost any company operating within the fintech industry to offer lightning-fast credit decisions with our individually developed automations. With LendTech, data is pulled from a wide range of channels – from credit scores to identity verification and income data – to ensure that any approvals or rejections can be made confidently.
We ensure that our customers are in control of the entire decisioning process, meaning that anyone we work with has full control of the criteria required for the approval process to work. Whether you require straightforward accept or decline rules, or need a more in-depth score-based system to approve or deny applicants, we work to fit your requirements.
To find out more about SalesTech and how you can enhance your qualification and underwriting process, get in touch with our team today.

How the Companies House API revolutionises business processes

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B2B is, all-too-often, a difficult sector to work in. But this is especially so, when you’re offering financial services to other businesses. From ensuring all of the information you have on other companies is correct and up-to-date, to underwriting and approving loan or finance applications, it’s rarely a straightforward process.

Believe it or not, there’s a tool out there that can simplify the whole process: the Companies House Data API. Offered by Companies House themselves, the API can be integrated into your business’ systems, giving you immediate access to all the data Companies House has to offer.

But what data is available through the API, and how can it benefit your business? In this article, we outline exactly what the Companies House API can do for you and the many ways it can totally revolutionise your business. All you have to do is make sure that it’s expertly integrated into your existing systems.

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What data does the Companies House API provide?

The public information available through the Companies House API is valued at over three billion pounds, so it should come as no surprise that the data available to you once you’re using the API is incredibly wide-ranging. The full list of data available can be found the Companies House website but, in summary, the main areas of data you can access through the API are:

  • Company information data
  • Company filing data
  • Insolvency cases data
  • Charges data
  • Officers data
  • PSC data

Within each of those categories, there are even more subcategories, ensuring that there’ll be data that you can utilise in some way. No matter what your business offers, having on-the-fly access to Companies House data through the API is guaranteed to benefit the running of your business.



How Companies House data can benefit your business

With access to the wide range of useful data that the Companies House API offers, your KYC process can be dramatically enhanced. With billions of pounds worth of company data just a click away and fully accessible in real-time, you can make decisions in regards to other companies far more efficiently.

The kind of data available through the Companies House API often underpins lending decisions, meaning that the time taken for the underwriting process can be rapidly accelerated. Within seconds, you’ll be able to make decisions based entirely on up-to-date, accurate information.

The Companies House API lets you go one step further, however. Once you’ve started using it, we can link the solution into our LendTech Decision Engine, bringing even more benefits to your business offerings.


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How the Companies House API integrates with the LendTech Decision Engine

As a part of our LendTech suite of solutions, when we integrate the Companies House API into a business’ internal systems, we always aim to integrate it into our Decision Engine too. In doing so, we allow our clients to really make the most of the API’s power, entirely eliminating the usual time and effort required when underwriting B2B customers.

Once integrated with our LendTech Decision Engine, the Companies House API really comes into its own. Utilising the same data you have access too with the standalone API, our Decision Engine processes the data based on your custom criteria, scoring, approving or rejecting applicants in seconds.

You decide the criteria required. Whether you want to retain manual approvals only for those customers who hit a minimum score based on your requirements, or if you want to hand full approval power over to the Decision Engine, the choice is yours. However you decide to utilise it, once you integrate the Companies House API with the LendTech Decision Engine, your entire B2B offering will be upgraded to entirely new heights.

To unlock the potential of the Companies House API in your business, start building your solution today.


Automating the customer journey: Marketing doesn’t stop once you get the sale

Far too many businesses view their marketing process as nothing more than the necessary steps required to get leads in and push through a sale. What happens after the sale is made, for many companies, is simply ignored.

Whether that’s active ignorance, or a consequence of a lack of time and resources, the result is the same – customers who could be more satisfied with your service. We live in a high-demand, hyper-convenient world and the expectation of customers can be set incredibly high.

This is where marketing automations within the customer journey comes into play. With today’s automations, you can automate the customer journey from their first contact with your marketing content through to the service delivery. Let’s explore how these automations can assist your marketing efforts.

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Delivering a consistent customer experience with automations

You can have great marketing and offer the customer a brilliant service up to the point of delivery, but if the service delivery doesn’t match up to their expectations, that will reflect negatively on your entire business offering. The answer? Ensuring that customers have a consistent experience with your business from the moment they first make contact with your business.

By guaranteeing a consistently high quality service to your customers from their first interaction with your business through to product delivery, you are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. Today’s customers want to feel cared for and communicated with at every stage of their buying journey, but they may interact with multiple staff members and departments before they purchase your service.

With a range of different people and departments to go through before the sale is actually made, consistent communication with the lead can be almost impossible to guarantee manually. However, when automations are utilised within the customer journey, consistency can be delivered to every lead, every time.

Automations can range from automated communications with existing leads through to entirely automated lead enhancement and scoring to save your team time and resources. Whatever your business needs, you can automate the customer journey from beginning to end.

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Automations to enhance the human element

Introducing automations into the customer journey doesn’t mean that you’re removing the human element. Instead, it will be enhanced. The human interactions leads have when engaging with your business are guaranteed to be inconsistent at some point or another. This can leave high-standard customers feeling at least a little let down by either the sales process or the service delivery.

When automations are utilised in tandem with great human customer service, the customer is getting the best of both worlds. For instance, in the FinTech sector, our own finance automations enhance every lead before they even hit the CRM. Before any human interaction occurs, a finance automation platform can assess whether the lead would be eligible for the product, assigning them a score that can then be utilised by your staff. 

Freeing up staff time in this manner slims down the amount of departments the lead has to go through to make a purchase, making the application process far more efficient for the applicant. Meanwhile, by reducing the amount of time required for staff to process applications, a more consistent level of communication between the lead and your company is able to take place.

But it’s not just finance automations. No matter the industry you’re in, an experienced automation and integration agency can build and implement features that are guaranteed to improve the customer journey from both the client and business perspectives.

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How to integrate automations that enhance the customer journey

The kinds of automations that we’ve discussed in this article can be hugely beneficial to almost any business. From streamlining the lead scoring process, to simply providing customers with a consistently high-quality offering between the sale and service delivery, automations are the single best way to enhance the customer experience.

To understand just how valuable automations could be for your business, get in touch with our team of experts today. We’ll guide you through exactly what kinds of automations would be suited to your business, while building a bespoke solution to elevate your customer experience to the next level.

How to automate your underwriting: How Venture Motion’s LendTech decision engine works

Loan underwriting can be a really time consuming process, with businesses within the lending sector spending time and resources on each and every application. It doesn’t have to be that way, however, thanks to Venture Motion’s LendTech decision engine.

Our financial services decision engine integrates with your business’s existing systems to automate the underwriting process. Here’s how it works.


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Setting up the LendTech decision engine

Our decision engine utilises a range of custom-built modules to automate your underwriting. Linking the engine in with your existing business processes couldn’t be easier. We’ll set up our intelligent custom forms, open banking and bespoke integrations to operate within custom criteria set by you.

You’ll have full control over which modules are utilised to ensure that they fit with your business aims and existing underwriting systems. Once integrated by our team of experts, our modules give an overview of the validity of every applicant.

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Where we get our data from

Our LendTech technology uses data pulled from a variety of sources in real time to inform our decision engine. Within the B2B space, our modules dive into the Companies House API to retrieve company information, filing history and director and insolvency data.

For more general purposes, LendTech taps into major credit checking agencies such as Equifax, Experian and Credit Safe to pull in real time data on applicants. From credit scores, anti-money laundering information, identity verification, income data and more, LendTech builds a full profile of the applicant in seconds. 

Even bank statements can be automatically checked and assessed in real time using LendTech’s open banking module. Whatever the information you require to make an informed lending decision, LendTech can work with it. 

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The approval process

With our LendTech modules fully integrated into your business and running, we will automatically apply your custom criteria to every applicant. Within seconds, our decision engine will have assigned them an eligibility score or outcome that you set.

Once we’ve worked together to determine a minimum score for approval, our automatically generated eligibility reports will be integrated into your systems. You’ll be able to approve or deny any applicant without having to lift a finger.

Get in touch with us today to discover how impactful the LendTech decision engine can be for your business.

Credit check integration: How can I perform customer credit checks?

The alternative finance industry is constantly growing. Whether you’ve only just taken those first tentative steps into the financial services sector or are a lending industry veteran, ensuring you’re making expert credit checks available is essential. Credit checking for customers is so important, whether you’re in the credit industry, or are just looking to offer loans and financing to visitors to your website.

Customer credit checks are essential to the operation of an increasingly wider range of businesses and, even if you’ve been offering them for a long time, there’s a good chance there’s room for improvement. Are you a newbie wondering how to perform credit checks on customers in the first place? Are you already established in the industry and looking for ways to streamline and automate your credit checking process? Whoever you are, our guide is for you.

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Credit checking APIs

Integrating credit checking technology into your business is the most obvious way to give you the ability to perform customer credit checks. Credit checking APIs are supplied directly from major credit agencies like Experian, Equifax and Credit Safe, allowing your business to make the use of the power and services of some of the world’s largest credit checking companies.

But what is actually involved in the customer credit check process when you’re using a credit checking API? Once you have the licence to use a credit agency’s API, the process is quite straightforward, but will require some technical know-how.

For the most efficient credit checks possible you’ll want to fully integrate the API of your choice into your existing business processes. This will allow you to quickly stream the credit checking data into your systems, workflows and products, giving you access to a raft of data to benefit your sales, marketing, credit, risk and compliance solutions.

To discover more about credit checking API integration, you can check out our API integration services and get in touch with our team of automation experts.

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Other ways to check customer credit 

Customer credit approval doesn’t always have to involve the incorporation of a major credit checking company. In fact there are a multitude of methods to approve applicants for your financial services. 

Creating custom forms built around the services that you offer is a great way to filter out applicants to only the ones you’re most likely to approve. Combine this with real-time access to applicant bank statements with Open Banking technology and you’ll be on track to offering an incredibly streamlined customer credit checking process.

With our LendTech platform, you can integrate all of this technology (and more) into your business. We build revenue-driving automations and integrations for all types of finance business, so whatever technological improvements your business needs, get in touch with Venture Motion to find out how we can help.

5 Ways to grow and automate your finance and lending business in 2021

The rise of alternative finance

Over the past decade, the alternative finance industry has experienced consistent growth, especially among SMEs. Where traditional banks and capital markets once reigned supreme, many of today’s small to medium enterprises – who make up 98% of all British businesses – are seeking more innovative, truly SME-friendly lenders to secure the funding they need.

Since 2008, banks have consistently found themselves less likely to lend to SMEs, giving alternative finance providers a great opportunity to enter the fray. In 2017 alone the alternative financing industry saw a 35% growth, and since then that growth has been on the rise, with experts predicting that it’s only set to keep increasing.

But why is alternative financing booming? For many SMEs, alternative finance providers often offer more innovative and flexible terms than traditional banks. Rather than sticking rigidly to balance sheets and profit margins like the large IP-based and asset-backed banks of old, alternative lenders often look beyond the numbers. By assessing businesses on their individual merits and models, alternative lenders are able to offer bigger loans on better repayment terms to a wider range of businesses. 

When it comes to younger businesses in particular, they’re almost five times more likely to seek alternative financing than going to their high street bank. With more and more millennial-run businesses being formed, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a more personalised alternative finance solution will be sought by even more SMEs. Can the lenders keep up with demand?

The power of automation in alternative finance

For many lenders and brokers, one of the primary factors inhibiting growth within the alternative finance industry is the slow adoption cutting edge technology. For many lenders, the main issues holding back the expansion of their service is the sheer amount of tasks they need to perform, leaving them unable to process the number of applications they could be receiving due to a lack of resources or manpower.

This is where automation comes in. Automation in alternative finance eliminates many of the primary issues holding back financial firms from growth. Manual underwriting, assessing applicant bank statement and performing manual credit checks through credit files and Companies House all take up substantial time and resources, and can all be streamlined with the use of automation.

Here are some of our tips for relieving the stress of your alternative lending business.

Take your forms onto the cloud

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With custom online forms built to your specifications you can begin automating your KYC process from the moment an applicant first applies for funding. Your site may already make use of online forms built and placed using a CMS plugin, but by investing in fully customised cloud-based forms, you can achieve so much more with your forms.

With custom forms you can determine the exact parameters you need to begin the KYC process from the word go. Ensuring all applicant data is securely stored in the cloud – where it can then be processed by the rest of your application process – is also essential for modern alternative finance companies, removing every aspect of the hassle associated with paper applications. 


Enhance your applications with external data 

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Using automations that pull information from external data sources allows you to enhance, validate and score new clients and applicants before you even need to pass the data onto your underwriting team. Whether you get your data from credit checkers like Experian, Equifax or Creditsafe, or if you offer business loans based on Companies House data, custom automations can benefit your business.

Once the automations are set up, data cross referencing checks can take seconds. You’ll see a dramatic reduction in the time it takes to process applications, cutting out hours of time to ensure your underwriting team can focus on more important tasks.


Use open banking to connect to applicant bank accounts

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Many alternative finance companies still rely on applicants sending in paper bank statements, to be manually filed on arrival. There are two main issues you’re likely to face if your business relies on the submission of paper statements.

Firstly, the filing process will be time consuming and has a high degree of error. Of course, the time and resources required to manually file hundreds, if not thousands, of submitted documents could cause significant issues if you’re trying to grow your business. Secondly, it is simply not very appealing to potential applicants, who are much more likely to apply if the process for doing so is simplified and digital.

Open banking is, without a doubt, the best solution to this issue. With an open banking API, lending businesses are able to connect directly with a customer’s bank account with next to no effort from either the lender or the applicant. The efficiency of open banking systems also extends to later automations, with customer data available to review remotely, either manually or by an automated system, in real time.


Bring your document uploads into the 21st century

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While open banking is great for collecting bank statements, your loan application process may require other documents from applicants. Whether you need applicant ID, proof of address, visas and immigration documents or any other user-supplied document as part of your loan approval process ensuring that you use a cloud-based document upload service will bolster your business.

Rather than accepting physical scans of the necessary applicant documents, open a cloud-based online channel to receive them. You’ll have access to much clearer customer data that can be easily accessed and retrieved whenever necessary. Plus, you’ll have a system poised to seamlessly integrate and automate other aspects of your application system.

Automate the entire decision making process

By automating multiple steps in your loan application process, you’ll be able to use advanced automations to all but eliminate the most time consuming aspect of any loan approval – the underwriting. Underwriting is time consuming, often requiring a lot of manpower too.

Utilising automations throughout the application process and feeding customer data into a decision engine means that you’ll be able to automate the entire loan decision process. By using automations bespoke to your business, you can be certain that only the criteria you decide on is assessed, while entirely removing the possibility of human error.

By saving you huge amounts of time, money and resources, automating underwriting and decision making doesn’t just guarantee you a watertight approval system, it also helps your business to grow.

How to automate your alternative finance business

Automations have the capability to save alternative finance companies huge amounts of time and money, opening them up to more opportunities and helping the market to grow even larger. With the finance industry moving into a more digital space across the board, we can expect widespread digitisation and automation within all areas of the lending industry.

To start your journey towards a digital and automated future for your finance business, get in touch with our team today. We offer expert automations for the alternative finance sector, bringing your business into the future.

Looking to automate your finance business?

What’s the deal with Schema markup and rich snippets?

The Schema markup family is wide-reaching and has existed for almost a decade. Back in 2011, the search engine titans of the time – Google, Bing and Yahoo – teamed up to create Schema.org, a website database designed to create, maintain and promote schemas for structured data on the internet.

Despite being conceived in 2010, it’s only in recent years that search engine optimisers have truly begun to understand the value of Schema markup. Today, all the best search marketers are implementing it on the web in a widespread capacity. If you haven’t jumped on the Schema train yet, then what are you waiting for? It’s absolutely essential to utilise the power of Schema to achieve those effective rich snippets that’ll really help your site stand out in Google. 

If you’re unsure of exactly what Schema is and what it does, we’ve written this article for you. We’ll introduce how Schemas work in general, before diving into the wide-ranging varieties of Schema markup. It’ll be almost impossible to cover every Schema variant (there are over 1200, after all). Nevertheless, this will be a growing hub highlighting what different Schemas do for you in search, and why they’re so useful.

What is Schema markup anyway?

As we briefly touched on, the Schema.org website was set up as a database designed to promote a standardised way of writing structured data for the internet. This might sound very technical, but the essential goal is to ensure that all website’s have a straightforward way to communicate what they offer directly to search engines.

When it comes to Google, the most popular search engine on the planet, well-implemented Schema can net you rich snippets. Ranging from a business’ opening hours to a quick overview of a recipe, rich snippets really help your site stand out in the search results.

Not only will your site stand out to searchers, but Google itself will also take note. The search giant has confirmed that sites that are effectively implementing structured data markup like Schema will be given priority in the search results. So not only can you expect a higher click-through rate, you’ll also be ranking higher in SERPs too.

The bad news is that Schema doesn’t work in a vacuum. You’re never guaranteed to win a rich snippet, but the Schema makes it possible. To stand out in SERPs, you’ll need a good SEO backbone which is doing all it can to ensure your website is delivering highly relevant and valuable information to the searcher.

The many types of Schema

Below is a list of the most important Schema types out there. We’ll be constantly expanding this list with more and more examples, as the official list of structured data markup on the Schema.org website is constantly changing.


Organisation Schema

Organisation Schema

Adds information about a business to SERPs such as location and opening hours, similar to Google MyBusiness but appears under the search results rather than in the knowledge panel. A more refined version of this is LocalBusiness schema, for small local businesses rather than large organisations.

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Website Schema

Website Schema is the schema that lays out all there is to know about a website. It’ll show the name and URL in SERPs as well as giving searchers access to the internal site search feature directly from Google.

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FAQPage Schema

Applying FAQPage Schema to an FAQ page or article on your website allows the questions and answers to the questions to be displayed in a helpful interactive box on SERPs.

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Review Schema

Review Schema can be applied to the website in general or specific products and services on offer. If users are leaving reviews on any platform from Trustpilot to TripAdvisor you can use Schema markup to aggregate them and display a star-rating in SERPs.

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Product Schema

Gives information about the products on offer in SERPs. Well-executed product schema shows a brief product description, the average rating of the product and its availability and price in SERPs.

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Recipe Schema

One of the Schemas the average person is most likely to encounter. Displays ingredient list, bullet point instructions, images and cooking time of a recipe. Very useful for anyone sharing recipes online.

How will removing ‘likes’ affect your business’ social media engagement?

How will removing 'likes' affect your business social media engagement?

Likes have been a big part of how we use social media platforms since the very beginning. Instagram has likes, Twitter has likes and retweets, and Facebook now has a whole range of post reactions. 

Social media is built on sharing and interaction, so it makes sense that we’d need a quick and easy way to tell other people that we like their photos, content, opinions, and thoughts. On Instagram though, that’s going to change slightly. 

Why is instagram planning to stop showing likes?

According to Instagram’s CEO Adam Mosseri, likes will be hidden so users can “focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get.” The main aim is to reduce pressure and encourage people to post what they want, without worrying about metrics.

Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, isn’t removing the option to like people’s posts, or see your likes from people who follow you. Instead, you won’t be able to publicly see how many likes a post has. Basically, we won’t know whether Kylie Jenner has 2 likes, or 2 million. 

This change is already live in a handful of countries, including Australia and the US. It’s not entirely clear when it’ll be the UK’s turn, but it probably won’t be long.

What does this mean for influencers, brands, and businesses?

When Instagram first announced this change, there was a lot of concern. Nicki Minaj even threatened to stop posting on instagram entirely. Social media likes have made and advanced careers around the world, from YouTube unboxers to fashion and travel influencers. Influencers often measure their success, reach, and potential profitability based on likes and follower metrics, and this information is especially valuable to the brands that work with them. Many are happy to fake it too – more than half of UK Instagram accounts have bought followers, likes, or comments.

According to influencer marketers quoted in PR Week, the industry is going to have to become more sophisticated and innovative – “a shift away from vanity metrics (will) place more focus on time spent on the platform, engagement, views and actual sales”. The industry’s take is influence will still matter, but will be measured slightly differently.

Does your business need to change its social media practices?

Many social media strategists are welcoming this change, because they think real engagement can be measured elsewhere. Likes don’t produce revenue on their own.

Instead of watching the likes on your business’ social profiles, focus on comments, views, shares, and genuine engagement that shows you’re making an impact. The most valuable metric of all is how many people go from looking at your social profiles to looking at your products and services, and make a purchase.

You can see the power of engagement in marketing campaigns designed to create conversation, like Greggs’ Jesus-inspired sausage roll Christmas ads in 2017. Whether people ‘liked’ the campaign or not was irrelevant, the aim was to become a trending topic and translate that into sales. It worked too – multiple Greggs around the country sold out of sausage rolls.

Engagement metrics that really matter

It turns out, the value of a like is often lower than we thought. It could mean someone responded positively to your post, but it could also be spam or just a passing acknowledgement that turns into nothing.  It’s smart to measure your business’ social media stats and digital marketing strategy, but it’s a lot less smart to put loads of effort into something that doesn’t actually translate into sales or meaningful coverage. What does your business really want to get out of social media? When you can answer that question, you’ll know exactly what kind of metrics matter, and what your digital strategy needs to cover. The days of chasing likes are coming to an end and leaving a lot of opportunity for growth.